Virtually the moment the camera stops,
the post can start.
Post is now closer to production than ever before.
Data is sent moments after every take, so feedback can flow back to set in time to fix issues before they become problems.
For example, editors can look ahead to incorporate footage into their cuts and send notes, pre-vis assembles or edits back to set in time to influence what is actually shot.
When the camera stops,
the post team starts.
Complete metadata
Moxion provides a complete online repository of every bit and byte of metadata available on any asset in the production pipeline.
Moxion is trusted by the world’s largest content makers and their associated post houses because all assets are secured by industry-leading data protection.
No compromises.
Working with VFX
VFX can work with sets and vendors to get exactly what they need, faster and more accurately.
Meaning, the shots that are delivered to VFX are more correct and require less work to make them better. For post, you get exactly what you want because you had a hand in making the material.
Moxion enables integrations between all your favourite post production tools, transferring metadata and assets with ease, ShotGrid, AVID and Qtake.
Imagine the Possibilites
Post Supervisor
Look ahead at what is being captured, message the set, ask for a particular shot while everything is set up and in place. Show cuts to the director and collaborate to achieve the vision now, without having to revisit it in the future.
Post Producer
You’re busy building tomorrow’s set, blind to what is happening today. With Moxion you can keep tabs on the production as it unfolds, and build tomorrow’s set based on what you see today.
VFX Artists
VFX can look at first and second unit and see plates being shot and request different angles and additional material. Match lighting angles and style.
Watch the production unfold, and save time by building for what is being used and is needed. Pick up any potential problems ahead of time and spend more time on making things perfect.
Imagine the Possibilites
Post Supervisor
Look ahead at what is being captured, message the set, ask for a particular shot while everything is set up and in place. Show cuts to the director and collaborate to achieve the vision now, without having to revisit it in the future.
Post Producer
You’re busy building tomorrow’s set, blind to what is happening today. With Moxion you can keep tabs on the production as it unfolds, and build tomorrow’s set based on what you see today.
VFX Artists
VFX can look at first and second unit and see plates being shot and request different angles and additional material. Match lighting angles and style.
Watch the production unfold, and save time by building for what is being used and is needed. Pick up any potential problems ahead of time and spend more time on making things perfect.

I love Moxion. It’s a complete paradigm changer.
Moxion lets us remotely correct problems as they are being filmed, in a way that has not been possible before.
Tim Capper - VFX Supervisor
Ash vs Evil Dead, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny, Slow West